MicroSlide and Tissue Files
MicroSlide Storage Files
Catalog and Storage System
The microscopist devotes a considerable amount of time and expertise in the routine preparation of slides. During the course of time, a voluminous quantity of invaluable slides are prepared which require a storage system for protecting, cataloging and retrieving for future referral. Cargille Micro Slide Files combine all of the features for prepared microscope slide storage, protection, simplified cataloging, reduction of filing error and facilitation of retrieval.
Cargille Micro Slide Files contain 48 partitioned compartments which will hold an estimated 480 (1x3") or 240 (3x2") slides per case, its dimensions are 1025 mm x 76 mm or it can be converted to 1076 mm x 51 mm by removing two alternate long partitions. A 10 mm (3/8") cushioning space surrounding the partitioned compartment serves as a protective barrier against accidental damage to the stored slides. For other storage needs, all or alternate partitions are removable for conversion to larger size compartments.
For cataloging and slide retrieval, each compartment is numerically indexed to a permanent chart on the underside of the lid which also provides space for identification and other information. A card and holder on the front provides a large area for easy, instant identification of the contents, avoiding tedious and time consuming searching.
Cargille Micro Slide Files provide maximum slide storage capacity in the least amount of space at minimum cost. Micro Slide Files are 24.1 x 15.2 x 8.3 cm in size. They are space efficient and sturdy for stacking on shelves or in cabinets, and for side-by-side storage in drawers. The compact design also permits mobility for working at the microscope to catalog newly prepared slides or to remove stored slides for examination.
Cargille Micro Slide Files are solid fiberboard with protective, attractive, scuff-resistant exterior green covering. The reinforced, hinged lid conveniently lifts open from the front exposing the compartment-indexed chart. Sufficient ventilation through the sides of the lid provides air circulation and continued drying of the mounting media. A cloth stay supports the lid in the open position for easy slide insertion and retrieval. Interior storage compartments are smooth and white, imparting contrast and cleanliness. Open stock assures immediate expansion and low cost makes it practical.
MicroSlide Files
Cat. #: 73010
$74.20/ ea
Ship Wt. 1 lb
Ship Wt. 6 lbs
$60.15/ ea
Ship Wt. 13 lbs
$59.05/ ea
Ship Wt 60 lbs
$56.25/ ea
Ship Wt. 120 lbs
Tissue Files
Histological Embedment Block Cataloging & Storage System
Histological Embedment Block Cataloging & Storage System
The routine cataloging and storage of embedment blocks in a protecting system is crucial. The very importance of embedment blocks dictates the need for positive identification and easy retrieval. Space is an equally important consideration because of the large number of embedment blocks routinely prepared. The Cargille Tissue File System incorporates the necessary features for embedment block protection, simplified cataloging, reduction of filing error, and facilitation of retrieval - all in minimal space and attractive cost.
Cargille Tissue Files contain 100 partitioned compartments arranged 10 deep and 10 across. Each compartment is 3.8 x 2.5 x 5.7 cm and will generally hold all the blocks related to a single case. By removing alternate partitions, each compartment may also be doubled or quadrupled in size. For other storage needs, the partitions may be removed.
For cataloging, each compartment is numerically indexed on a permanent chart inside the lid which also provides space for identification and other information. A card and holder on the front provides a large area for instant identification of the contents, avoiding tedious and time consuming searching.
Cargille Tissue Files are designed to provide maximum storage capacity in minimum space. They are durable for repeated use, deep-freeze applications, and stacking in cabinets or side-by-side storage in drawers.
Cargille Tissue Files are solid fiberboard with a protective, attractive, scuff-resistant exterior green covering. The reinforced, hinged lid conveniently lifts open from the front exposing the compartment-indexed chart. A cloth stay supports the lid in the open position for easy embedment block insertion and retrieval. Interior storage compartments are smooth and white, imparting contrast and cleanliness. Open stock assures immediate expansion and low cost makes it practical.
Tissue Files
Cat. #: 72010
$89.75/ ea
Ship Wt. 2 lb
$75.50/ ea
Ship Wt. 10 lbs
$73.00/ ea
Ship Wt. 18 lbs
$72.25/ ea
Ship Wt 104 lbs
$71.50/ ea
Ship Wt. 216 lbs