About Urine Stabilizers
Cult-Ur™ Tablets (Mercury-Free)
Stabilize Urine Specimens For Delayed Laboratory Examination of Urine
Maintains Bacterial Viability at Room Temperature Up to 72 Hrs.
- Eliminates refrigeration of urine culture specimens during storage or transit.*
- Prevents over-growth of U.T.I. bacteria in specimen.
Maintains Normal Growth and Chemical ID Characters of U.T.I. Bacteria
- Culture and Subculture growth characteristics are not altered.*
Minimizes Growth of Patient Introduced Contaminants
- Accidentally introduced contaminants won’t confuse results because levels are maintained for at least 24 hrs.
- False positives are virtually eliminated reducing the need for a second sample, and preventing needless patient anxiety.
Convenient To Use
- No messy or strong smelling liquids to dispense into tubes
The Cult-Ur™ Tablets are formulated for effective bacteriostatic action without altering the viability of typical urinary tract bacteria for culture and identification (no fluorides).
Stabilur® Tablets
Stabilize Urine Specimens For Delayed Laboratory Microscopic Examination of Urine Sediment
Maintains* Red and White Blood Cells in Original Condition
- Prevents the usual rapid lysis of leukocytes to assure accurate confirmation of this key indicator of urinary tract infection.1
- Permits accurate counting and estimation of erythrocytes
Maintains* the Morphology of Typical Formed Elements in Urine Sediment Such as Casts, Crystals and Mucous Threads
- Morphology and staining characteristics of casts and cells are retained in original condition.
- Tablet dissolves completely and does not contribute any crystals to the sediment.2
* Protects unrefrigerated specimens circa three days.
Maintains* Most Urine Dipstick Chemistries
- Maintains most chemical constituents in urine for retesting by dipstick chemistry by preventing bacterial decomposition.
- Does not interfere with enzyme based dipstick chemistry tests, i.e. leukocyte esterase.3
At recommended levels urine pH is buffered to just under neutral, and specific gravity is raised 0.002.
*Maintains Other Chemistry Assay Components
- Does not interfere with certain TLC and RIA methods for assay of physiological marker compounds and drugs and their metabolytes.
More Info
The Stabilur® tablets contain a proprietary mixture of buffering and osmolality adjustment ingredients, plus agents which produce a minute quantity of several bacteriostatic chemicals sufficient to prevent bacterial degradation of urine constituents, without interfering with most analyses. Shelf life is 5 years from date of purchase.
- Depending on osmolality and pH of the urine, up to 90% of unstabilized leukocytes are lysed in as little as 2.5 hours at elevated room temperature. Even at 4 degrees C, 50% may be lost in that time.
- Wait until the tablet has completely dissolved before centrifuging the sample (approx. 30 min. +).
- Validated on Ames (Division of Miles Laboratories) and Boehringer Manheim chemistry dipsticks: November, 1986.